Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hey fellow Bloggers. My name is Ryan Rivas I was born in the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. All my family reside in the main island Trinidad and my emmediate family live in a small village call Arouca. Currently I am an Undergraduate student and a Business major where my focus is Hospitality and Tourism. I chose to blog on restaurants mainly the small one because of the unique quanitity, variety, flavors and quality they offer than the food chains or fine dining offer. This is inspired as well by my family background which is hispanic, East Indian, Black, Europian decents. These mixtures are just the starting because of the main races and cultural background also came into mix made it even more interesting especially food we cook and eat.

As my country national anthem states "here every creed and race find an equal place" my family day. Christmas time mainly the hispanic traditions comes out in the food we eat and way we celebrate. There days where my mum would of cooked curry food, sometimes chinese food, there are times where creole food is cooked. Then there are times where we go to family homes and there is a feast of middle eastern foods. Now the cultural influences and taste is growing in my country.

When I came to Miami to study I have never as much fast food restaurants congested at most street corners and variety each selling the same food in different ways some in taste as well. It was overwelming for me but anytime I find a small restaurant and I see a consistant flow of people I know the food have to be good. I would prefer to step into these places than a Mac Donald's or Wendy's at any given day. My country is greatly influenced by the america lifestyle for food because fast food chains are doing the same thing but main competitor is KFC.

Personally the small reataurants gives a better quality of food and i got a variety I can choose from each has a unique taste not consistant or fried in the same oil. My summer in New York City as well inspire me to do this blog because same experience of the different types of small restaurants and fusions of flavors. Hope I can give you my viewer my views of some of the restaurants I know in Miami Gardens and the environs.

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